Monday, December 21, 2009

All I want for Christmas is....

Jewelry!! HAHAH, we're only kidding... We all have our very own wishes for this holiday, happiness, success, tangible items (like jewelry) (wink, wink) or just good friends and company to share the holiday with... Whether or not we actually believe in santa is completely irrelevant at this point, we're just hoping he can either make our wishes come true, or, at the very least have tons of diamonds in his sleigh...maybe even Rudolph will be sporting some jewels this year...I hear his red nose really is a red ruby...hmm...I'm guessing that's why it's so shiny...

Regardless where you are, whether in the cold snow in NY or warming up under the palm trees in Florida, we at 27 Facets are wishing you a wonderful, warm, cozy and loving holiday, surrounded by good friends and family! We wish you a merry Christmas and a very, very happy and healthy New Year! See you in 2010!

Lots of diamonds and rubies,

Amber and Jen

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tiger's Eye

Don't look so smug Tiger! They say good for the mind, not the body...they say to use it for insight and you'll be a very lucky person.. Tiger's eye is said to cause the mind to focus and to have feelings of oneness and feel more direct in all thoughts...the only thing I'm seeing in Tiger's eye is a whole lot of lies!

Clearly, the tiger's eye we're talking about is a gemstone and not Tiger woods, though he definitely seemed focused on his game. The game of scoring "birdies" if you know what we mean! Let's just say he definitely is working on his "bump and runs, or chip and rolls" in his spare time...

Here's hoping that Tiger can rip the "divot" out of his wife's heart before it's too late...poor elin =(

It's safe to say the "penalty stroke" or strokes has cost Tiger a lot more than his game....

Anywho, let's talk a little about the tiger's eye we know and love...Tiger's eye quartz.

Tiger's eye is a chatoyant gemstone that is usually a metamorphic rock that is yellow- to red-brown, with a silky luster. A member of the quartz group. The gems are usually cut en cabochon in order to best display their chatoyancy. Chatoyancy is an optical reflectance effect seen in certain gemstones. The effect can be likened to the sheen off a spool of silk...PRETTY! The luminous streak of reflected light is always perpendicular to the direction of the fibres. For a gemstone to show this effect best it must be cut en cabochon, with the fibers or fibrous structures parallel to the base of the finished stone. Faceted stones are less likely to show the effect well.

Well everyone, we just had to write about Tiger's's just as star worthy and news worthy as the other!

Lot's of diamonds and rubies,

Amber and Jen

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ask the Jewelers!

Ask the jewelers anything you want! We're serious! You can ask us anything you would like... ABOUT JEWELRY THAT IS!

Find out the difference between 10 kt., 14 kt., 18 kt., and 24 kt. gold.
Why some gold is white, yellow or pink.
Find out what we think women want for the holidays...(HINT, HINT...Hanukkah is this week!!!)
Ask us what the difference is between a certified diamond or one that's not...
Ask us what D, flawless means as opposed to H, SI2...oye...

Have you ever wanted to know why platinum makes for a better setting than gold for an engagement ring? or why women prefer bigger stones than smaller... =)

Ever wonder why men like big, over sized watches as opposed to hundreds of years ago, when men and women wore small sized faces?

How about how to sell your grandmother's diamond you found in your parent's safe...sell it at auction or to a private jeweler, or hold on to it until the market improves?

What about how in this crazy world, Christie's, Sotheby's, Doyle's, Philip's and Bonham's and Butterfields still manage to sell millions of dollars of jewels...

Here's a good one...what kind of jewelry has the best resale value. I bet you have not even thought about reselling...that's not so taboo anymore friends...Look at auction you know what has the highest resale value besides diamonds? Signed pieces, like Cartier, Van Cleef and Arpels, Buccellati, Rolex, Patek Philippe...etc...

The point of this lovely blog is to expand your knowledge of jewels! There's so much to know, so much intricate detail involved in one tiny little piece that could be worth a more than you know...and there's so much history involved!

Again, feel free to ask us anything! well...not ANYTHING!

Lots of diamonds and rubies, and why not... sapphires too!

Amber and Jen